Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Current Event summary (sick)

In the article, Tornado Hits Missouri City, Kills Many it talked about the major tornado that hit Joplin, Mo. As far as they know around 30 people are dead because, many injured. Also because of this tornado many house were destroyed along with the a major hospital. During the actual tornado the hospital had to be abandoned and then later caught on fire. Overall they said that his tornado was about an 8-9 on a scale of 10, but they won’t know anymore further information until they actually go and see the damage.

When I read this article I thought it was sad that this happened. Also I felt bad for the families that were effected by this because it would feel awful to one day have all your stuff and the next day not. It sounds to me like there wasn’t much warning about when the tornado was going to hit, so many people were left in the dark. I could be wrong but I think next time there should be some better type of warning system so people can have more time to become prepared.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Acid Rain Article Questions

1.) List a few of the gases which lead to acid rain. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide

2.) What is the source of much of the acid rain producing gases in Pennsylvania? Coal that is being burned in power plants. 

3.) Briefly explain how acid rain forms. It forms when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere combine with water to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

CNN Article question answers

What are some natural factors causing mudslides in Guatemala? Earthquakes, hurricanes, and heavy rain.
What are some human factors causing mudslides in Guatemala? Deforestation
What is being done to help reduce mudslides and mudslide damage? Plant more trees and educate people on why it is so important to have trees around.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Graph of Global Temperature- HG

  • What is the horizontal scale of your graph? The Horizontal scale is a 10 year span between each documented year.
  • How many years does it show? It shows 100 years.
  • What is the vertical axis showing?  3 to -3
  • What are the units? degrees ( positive= earth warming, negative= earth cooling.)
  • What is the total range shown? 6
  • Can you tell from the picture's host page where the data came from?  If so, where? My graph came from NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) polar orbiting satellites.

Friday, January 14, 2011

After exam questios

  • 1 - What do you think the global average temperature is?  This means the average for everywhere on Earth, day and night, for an entire year.  Explain why you answered what you did. I would say 60 degrees, I don't really know why answered this, maybe because I like the number 60, and when ever I watch the weather it seems to me that there are a lot of 60's on the map. 
  • 2 - People are often talking about "global warming."  How much do you think the average global temperature has increased in the past 100 years?  Do you think that this is a lot? I would say between 10-15 degrees because when I watch some science movies about global warming they talk about how much it has gone up, and I am pretty sure that's what they said. I would say that is a lot because lets say it started at 60 and is now 70-75, there is a big difference between that and in certainly would feel a lot different.
  • 3 - What do you think is the hottest the Earth has ever been? (since there has been an atmosphere?)  How about the coldest the Earth has ever been?  Explain why you answered what you did. 12,000000 degrees, because the earth had a giant catastrophe and lava and falling things from the atmosphere went every where, and lava is hot, so are falling things from the sky so when that all collect on the earth is probably makes it pretty hot.
  • 4 - Are you concerned about "global warming?"  Why or why not? I am concerned about global warming because even though I probably won't be around when the worst of it happens, future generations will be, and they diverse to live on a beautiful earth just like I did.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Examples of Mass Movement- Landslide

An example of mass movement is a land slide. Gravity is the main force for a landslide to occur, also it can be because of the slope of the land. The main reasons for a landslide are earthquakes, groundwater, volcanic eruptions and erosion. When a landslide happens it is usually made up of rock and dirt, and sometimes water depending on what started it in the first place.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 15th journal entry

 Over the past couple of weeks I have been hearing all about this oil spill in the gulf. Along with all the things they are trying to do to stop the oil from going everywhere they are also trying to figure out who’s fault it is. Here is what I think, first of all it’s more then one persons jobs fault. There is the people who tested the cemented, that was supposed  to keep everything together, even though it failed 2 out of the 3 times they went along with it anyways and now look at where we are!! Also you could blame the actual workers who are working right with the machines. We all would think that they had been trained good and enough that they could tell when something was going wrong, but if you are going to blame the actual worker you would have to put a little blame on the people that trained them! Maybe they weren’t fit to be trainers? The list could go on and on. One person I think should not be blamed is the CEO of BP. It isn’t his fault that this happened he probably had no idea that the cement failed all her probably knew is that they were continuing to go along with this plan. So I think people need to stop blaming everything on him! As for how there punishment I think that they need to be fired or go through training to make sure this never happens again.