Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Current Event summary (sick)

In the article, Tornado Hits Missouri City, Kills Many it talked about the major tornado that hit Joplin, Mo. As far as they know around 30 people are dead because, many injured. Also because of this tornado many house were destroyed along with the a major hospital. During the actual tornado the hospital had to be abandoned and then later caught on fire. Overall they said that his tornado was about an 8-9 on a scale of 10, but they won’t know anymore further information until they actually go and see the damage.

When I read this article I thought it was sad that this happened. Also I felt bad for the families that were effected by this because it would feel awful to one day have all your stuff and the next day not. It sounds to me like there wasn’t much warning about when the tornado was going to hit, so many people were left in the dark. I could be wrong but I think next time there should be some better type of warning system so people can have more time to become prepared.